Comanti | The Luminary's Path

Part 1: The Promise

In a quiet village surrounded by towering mountains, there lived a boy named Ethan.
He was an outsider, often misunderstood because of his differences.
Despite his kindness and brilliant mind, people couldn't see past his uniqueness. Ethan found solace in his grandma's love, as his parents struggled to understand him, leading to misunderstandings and frustration.

This made Ethan feel unheard and perpetually alone, keeping his feelings bottled up inside.

At school, Ethan's classmates saw him as an oddity, increasing his isolation. He was labeled as "The Stranger," and the school authorities even considered expelling him. However, his grandmother encouraged him to have faith, be patient, and follow his dreams without hesitation.

One day, Ethan overheard his friends talking about a hidden tunnel that led to a city where people accepted each other's differences. This idea intrigued him. The promise of such a place gave him hope.
With his grandmother's unwavering belief in him, Ethan decided to find this tunnel and the better world it led to.

To Be Continued.......